LADIES Night Out - Friday 30th September

Please reply back on the LA MARINA SITE or e-mail: [email protected] thank you.........

I thought it might be nice to have a Ladies Evening. I used to run these quite regularly a few years ago and they were very popular.

The idea is to have a night out without our other halves and for us ladies to be able to make friends out here in Spain. It would also be nice

to meet some of you from this forum.

DATE - Friday 30th September 2011

VENUE - ***LOLA's*** - on La Marina urb (The main Strip). It's situated on the left had side as you come off the forest road.

TIME - To meet at *Lola's* at 8.15 pm.

We will be having a meal - the usual choice of English food, or they do have a selection of Spanish dishes.

MUSIC: There will be live entertainment by *Jose* - Very good Spanish singer. He does do a few English songs.

DANCING - Yes room for a dance. Great Atmosphere.................Mainly Spanish !!

Note: Although smoking is allowed outside at this Venue, I would please ask that if you do have to smoke, that you do not do so at our table.
